Sunday, November 28, 2010

Pre & post-Thanksgiving Eats

With my lobster thermidor still in the works and my turkey just barely out of the brine,  I had to prepare a speedy and easy lunch to satiate our hungry mouths, after all Thanksgiving dinner was still a few hours I took a couple of fresh lobster tails from my party spread, seared it in butter, seasoned it with lemon juice, zest, fresh basil, herbes de Provence, salt & pepper, sprinkled it with freshly grated parmesan cheese and panko bread crumbs; flash baked it in the oven to melt & brown the cheese-crumb topping.  Sides included a small sampling of my mashed potatoes and garlic champignons.
Garlic champignons with parsley
One of my post-Thanksgiving meals--yesterday's lunch:  Linguine Pesto pasta with toasted pine nuts
I made this hearty, chunky soup today out of the leftover turkey....added some carrots, summer squash, celery, farfalline, garlic, onions, fresh rosemary, fresh thyme, broth, salt & freshly ground pepper...simple, warm, soothing comfort food for this cold, blustery day.

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